Selecting Strategic 6σ Improvement Projects

Selecting Strategic 6σ Improvement Projects (workshop).

General information: It is a structured way of selecting projects to achieve the strategic goals of the company. It was developed by General Electric in the ‘80s. Updated by Shell in the ‘90s and Changeland in the early 2000s. It is now used by a variety of companies and organizations.

Contents: Includes the following activities:

  1. Defining the Strategic Improvement Objectives.
  2. Identification and Evaluation of possible improvement projects based on the impact on BSE
  3. Project prioritization and evaluation based on the 6σ criteria (“is it a 6s project?”).
  4. Development of 6σ Project Charters (definition of goals, group, schedule).
  5. Identification of project risks (possible causes of failure), and the corresponding preventive actions to reduce these risks.

Duration (hours): 16-24

Aimed at: the leadership team and selected executives.

Required preparation: for the proper use of time, 1-2 days of preparation are required (data collection, program organization, identification of participants, roles and responsibilities, etc.).

Cost: The detailed content, program & prices are adapted to the needs of each company by mutual agreement. Certificate of attendance included.

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