Paper Production

At the time the improvement work took place KREARTON was a two year old Mexican company producing and commercializing material for packing, packaging, bottling and baling. main lines of production coverage (a) cardboard-made products and (b) the design of integrated packaging systems for industrial products. The company had 15 employees and 40 workers working in a factory and two regional distribution centers located in Mexico City and in Aguascalientes.

The owners of the company called Changeland to facilitate the franchising process of the KREARTON brand and the concept of a store model. This store will integrate the commercial operation with the operation of the autonomous and self-financing of the production.

The goal of the owners was to franchise the concept of KREARTON’s store model, open new model stores in different strategic cities in Mexico and thus achieve a 500% increase during the third year of the company.

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